Bob & Carole are my grandparents (aka G&G) and some of the sweetest old people I know :) They have been married 56 years and still taking adventures together. We were lucky enough to share their latest adventure with them to Hawaii! This was their 39th trip to Hawaii! I wanted to document them in honor of their first trip back in 1967 and how much they are still in love today. My grandpa had been serving in Vietnam for seven months and Hawaii was where they were reunited for a nine day R&R as they called it (rest & recuperation). They spent their time at the Ilikai hotel(that you see behind them), roaming the city and soaking up the sun on the beach.
G&G dinned way up top many nights.
Our attempt to balance the hotel on grandpa's hand... a little harder when you have arthritis we decided. He had taken a picture like this on their first trip.
When Grandma arrived she only had three dollars in her pocket but grandpa came with a great deal in that he had been playing poker nightly.
With some of those earnings grandpa brought a ring back from Vietnam with these sapphire gems and had them put into a new setting for grandma for their 50th wedding anniversary.
Another gift from my grandpa, but this one he made himself :)
As we walked around the town grandma spotted a McDonalds so of course we had to stop and get a $1 coke. If you have any blood relation to the Jones' you were raised on coca cola and fishing!
snapped on the iphone:)
There are fireworks every friday night held at the hotel. Grandma is always sporting her firework shirt :)
The beach! The warm sand is one of my grandmas's favorite things, but believe it or not they live where some of the coldest sand is, Ninilchik Alaska!
G&G whats your secret to love?
Always treat each other like your still dating and never go to bed angry :)